List Invoices endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added new variables

    • invoice_number

    • uuid

    • invoice_refrence_id

    • qr_code

    • payment_method

  • Removed

  • item variable.

List Orders endpoint endpoint no longer includes orders with the draft and deleted statuses

Invoice Details endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added New Variables

    • invoice_number

    • uuid

    • invoice_refrence_id

    • qr_code

    • payment_method

Order Details endpoint has the following changes:

  • Removed

    • Query Param Receiver Details

Order Details, Create Order, Update Order and Update Order Shipment endpoint have the following changes:

  • Added

    • updated_at object

    • is_price_qoute variable

    • receipt_image variable

    • reservations and product_reservations variables in customer object

    • store object

  • Changed

    • The bank variable value is changed to nullable

  • Removed

    • pick_up_branch object

List Orders endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added

    • draft variable

    • read variable

    • payment_method variable

    • pending_payment_ends_at variable

    • thumbnail variable in the items array

    • customer object