Major update occurred on the following webhooks' schema:

  1. discount_type

  2. type

  3. categories

  4. products

  • The status variable in the Shipments Webhook Events Model has the following changes in its enum values:

    1. pending and returned has been removed

    2. shipped has been added

  • ship_to object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. city_id

  • ship_from object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. country_code

  3. city_id

  • meta object includes the diemnsions object

  • ship_to object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. city_id

  • ship_from object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. country_code

  3. city_id

  • meta object includes the diemnsions object