Copyright © Salla Developers Developers Updatessalla.dev, 11 Jun 2024 07:49:53 GMThttps://noticeable.io Developers Updates, 11 Jun 2024 07:47:32 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)'updated_at' Object Variable Added to Product Variant API Endpoints Product Variant, Product Variant Details, Update Product Variant, Update Product Variant Quantity endpoints have the updated_at object variable added to its body response.

List Product Variant, Product Variant Details, Update Product Variant, Update Product Variant Quantity endpoints have the updated_at object variable added to its body response.

Merchant APIs
VKdDT7zLInlRsX1f8pWkTue, 11 Jun 2024 07:41:40 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)New Variables Added to Order Endpoints and Employee Array for Update Order Endpoint The List Orders, Order Details, Create Order, and Duplicate Order endpoints' response body have the following changes

  • Added three new variables:

    • read

    • draft

    • receipt_image

  • Removed the first_complete_at variable

2- The Update Order endpoint added the employees array of integers variable in its body request

1- The List Orders, Order Details, Create Order, and Duplicate Order endpoints' response body have the following changes

  • Added three new variables:

    • read

    • draft

    • receipt_image

  • Removed the first_complete_at variable

2- The Update Order endpoint added the employees array of integers variable in its body request

Merchant APIs
pj8nfBc1AUWbvd11GPjsSun, 02 Jun 2024 08:16:51 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)New endpoint added

New endpoint, Order Bulk Actions


New endpoint, Order Bulk Actions

Merchant APIs
oSAZycYrRlcvUXHacCfbMon, 13 May 2024 09:11:17 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Updates and Enhancements to Invoicing and Order Management Endpoints Invoices endpoint has the following changes:
  • Added new variables

    • invoice_number

    • uuid

    • invoice_refrence_id

    • qr_code

    • payment_method

  • Removed

  • item variable.

List Orders endpoint endpoint no longer includes orders with the draft and deleted statuses

Invoice Details endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added New Variables

    • invoice_number

    • uuid

    • invoice_refrence_id

    • qr_code

    • payment_method

Order Details endpoint has the following changes:

  • Removed

    • Query Param Receiver Details

Order Details, Create Order, Update Order and Update Order Shipment endpoint have the following changes:

  • Added

    • updated_at object

    • is_price_qoute variable

    • receipt_image variable

    • reservations and product_reservations variables in customer object

    • store object

  • Changed

    • The bank variable value is changed to nullable

  • Removed

    • pick_up_branch object

List Orders endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added

    • draft variable

    • read variable

    • payment_method variable

    • pending_payment_ends_at variable

    • thumbnail variable in the items array

    • customer object

List Invoices endpoint has the following changes:
  • Added new variables

    • invoice_number

    • uuid

    • invoice_refrence_id

    • qr_code

    • payment_method

  • Removed

  • item variable.

List Orders endpoint endpoint no longer includes orders with the draft and deleted statuses

Invoice Details endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added New Variables

    • invoice_number

    • uuid

    • invoice_refrence_id

    • qr_code

    • payment_method

Order Details endpoint has the following changes:

  • Removed

    • Query Param Receiver Details

Order Details, Create Order, Update Order and Update Order Shipment endpoint have the following changes:

  • Added

    • updated_at object

    • is_price_qoute variable

    • receipt_image variable

    • reservations and product_reservations variables in customer object

    • store object

  • Changed

    • The bank variable value is changed to nullable

  • Removed

    • pick_up_branch object

List Orders endpoint has the following changes:

  • Added

    • draft variable

    • read variable

    • payment_method variable

    • pending_payment_ends_at variable

    • thumbnail variable in the items array

    • customer object

Merchant APIs
vAWtETDCUOJUpNCtwbd4Mon, 13 May 2024 08:50:07 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Enhancements and Updates to Category and Order Endpoints




Merchant APIs
umSrlEoHImjcRw7cWDAqWed, 24 Apr 2024 08:10:33 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Enhanced Orders Endpoint and New Endpoints added in Merchant API
  • The List Orders endpoint includes new query parameters which are sort_by, accounting_services, unread, assign_empolyee, and selling_channel.

  • The Order Details endpoint, includes a new query parameter, format, which returns Order Details without the following objects; "Shipments", "Items", "Pickup Branch", "Customer Groups", and "Receiver Details".

  • The List Order Histories endpoint includes the object variable, created_by.


New endpoints added:


Order Invoice

Order Status

Order Items

Order Assignments

Order Reservations


  • The List Orders endpoint includes new query parameters which are sort_by, accounting_services, unread, assign_empolyee, and selling_channel.

  • The Order Details endpoint, includes a new query parameter, format, which returns Order Details without the following objects; "Shipments", "Items", "Pickup Branch", "Customer Groups", and "Receiver Details".

  • The List Order Histories endpoint includes the object variable, created_by.


New endpoints added:


Order Invoice

Order Status

Order Items

Order Assignments

Order Reservations


Merchant APIs
39foe0yT8PMztKgWWKcdMon, 15 Apr 2024 11:23:17 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Significant Updates to Webhook Schemas and Merchant API Endpoints update occurred on the following webhooks' schema:

  1. discount_type

  2. type

  3. categories

  4. products

  • The status variable in the Shipments Webhook Events Model has the following changes in its enum values:

    1. pending and returned has been removed

    2. shipped has been added

  • ship_to object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. city_id

  • ship_from object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. country_code

  3. city_id

  • meta object includes the diemnsions object

  • ship_to object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. city_id

  • ship_from object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. country_code

  3. city_id

  • meta object includes the diemnsions object

Major update occurred on the following webhooks' schema:

  1. discount_type

  2. type

  3. categories

  4. products

  • The status variable in the Shipments Webhook Events Model has the following changes in its enum values:

    1. pending and returned has been removed

    2. shipped has been added

  • ship_to object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. city_id

  • ship_from object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. country_code

  3. city_id

  • meta object includes the diemnsions object

  • ship_to object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. city_id

  • ship_from object includes:

  1. country_id

  2. country_code

  3. city_id

  • meta object includes the diemnsions object

Merchant APIs
gyqnbrJjgSEmdf42epY4Mon, 15 Apr 2024 11:22:48 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Enhanced Body Responses for List Cities, List Countries and Country Details
  • The endpoint List Cities includes the country_id variable in its body response.

  • The endpoints List Countries and Country Details include the capital variable in their body responses

  • ]]>
  • The endpoint List Cities includes the country_id variable in its body response.

  • The endpoints List Countries and Country Details include the capital variable in their body responses

  • ]]>
    Merchant APIs
    Fi22ELvWzw6E5isbUeWZMon, 18 Mar 2024 11:24:27 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Enhanced Body Responses for Product Management Endpoints
  • The variables formatted_price, advance, translations, is_out_of_stock, has_special_price, and is_user_suibscribed has been added to the body responses of the following endpoints:

  • ]]>
  • The variables formatted_price, advance, translations, is_out_of_stock, has_special_price, and is_user_suibscribed has been added to the body responses of the following endpoints:

  • ]]>
    Merchant APIs
    Rp1NcfcVwMfiDJKrAyrLMon, 18 Mar 2024 11:10:56 GMT[email protected] (Adilah m)Enhancements to Language Endpoints




    Merchant APIs