Salla Developers Updates

Enhancements and Updates to Category and Order Endpoints

by Adilah m
Changed Category Webhook Events model now includes the variable updated_at. The Category Webhook Events model, Category Details endpoint, Create Category endpoint and Update Category endpoint now include the following
Merchant APIs

Enhanced Orders Endpoint and New Endpoints added in Merchant API

by Adilah m
Changed The List Orders endpoint includes new query parameters which are sort_by, accounting_services, unread, assign_empolyee, and selling_channel. The Order Details endpoint, includes a new query parameter, format, which returns Order
Merchant APIs

Significant Updates to Webhook Schemas and Merchant API Endpoints

by Adilah m
Major update occurred on the following webhooks' schema: The country object includes the variable capital in the Store Webhook Events Model The Special Offer Webhook Events Model includes the following changes: The buy object variable
Merchant APIs

Enhanced Body Responses for List Cities, List Countries and Country Details

by Adilah m
The endpoint List Cities includes the country_id variable in its body response. The endpoints List Countries and Country Details include the capital variable in their body responses
Merchant APIs

Enhanced Body Responses for Product Management Endpoints

by Adilah m
The variables formatted_price, advance, translations, is_out_of_stock, has_special_price, and is_user_suibscribed has been added to the body responses of the following endpoints: Create Product List Products Product Details Update
Merchant APIs

Enhancements to Language Endpoints

by Adilah m
Added New endpoint for Update Language Changed The endpoints Add Language and List Languages support sort_order in both body request and response.
Merchant APIs

Updated List Order Statuses Endpoint Response

by Adilah m
The endpoint List Order Statuses include the variables sort, message, icon, and is_active in its body response.
Merchant APIs

New Body Request for Create Order Endpoint

by Adilah m
New body request for the Create Order endpoint. Recommended adapting to this change so as not to face any break change in your production environment.
Merchant APIs

Enhanced List Active Webhooks Endpoint with Pagination Support

by Adilah m
The endpoint List Active Webhooks now supports the variable pagination.
Merchant APIs