Salla Developers Updates

New Twilight Version 2.13.66 Release

by Adilah m
New Twilight Version 2.13.66 is released, which includes: Enhancement to Utilize the salla-products-list JS Web Component on the Wishlist Page. Support new component, salla-conditional-offer.
Twilight Documentation

New Twilight Version 2.13.62 Release

by Adilah m
New Twilight Version 2.13.62 is released, which includes: Enhancements in salla-payments New property added exclude Properties removed withMadeInKsa withSbc sbcId Added new Twitter icon for salla-social Web Component. Added caching
Twilight Documentation

New Twilight Version 2.13.61 Release

by Adilah m
New Twilight Version 2.13.61 is released, which includes: In salla-reviews JS Web Component, the Reviews now supports rendering as HTML. Helpers methods now support isPreview() and isIframe() functions. salla-metadata JS Web Component
Twilight Documentation

New Twilight Version 2.13.59 Release

by Adilah m
New Twilight Version 2.13.59 is released, which includes: Handling no offers message as a warning instead of an error in the salla-offers JS Web Component.
Twilight Documentation

'updated_at' Object Variable Added to Product Variant API Endpoints

by Adilah m
List Product Variant, Product Variant Details, Update Product Variant, Update Product Variant Quantity endpoints have the updated_at object variable added to its body response.
Merchant APIs

New Variables Added to Order Endpoints and Employee Array for Update Order Endpoint

by Adilah m
1- The List Orders, Order Details, Create Order, and Duplicate Order endpoints' response body have the following changes Added three new variables: read draft receipt_image Removed the first_complete_at variable 2- The Update Order
Merchant APIs

New endpoint added

by Adilah m
Added New endpoint, Order Bulk Actions
Merchant APIs

Updates and Enhancements to Invoicing and Order Management Endpoints

by Adilah m
List Invoices endpoint has the following changes: Added new variables invoice_number uuid invoice_refrence_id qr_code payment_method Removed item variable. List Orders endpoint endpoint no longer includes orders with the draft and
Merchant APIs

Enhancements and Updates to Category and Order Endpoints

by Adilah m
Changed Category Webhook Events model now includes the variable updated_at. The Category Webhook Events model, Category Details endpoint, Create Category endpoint and Update Category endpoint now include the following
Merchant APIs